As Ofsted registered Childminders, it is vital that we are not under the influence of alcohol or any form of drugs (including some prescription medication). If any team member is prescribed medication, other than routine antibiotics then we must inform Ofsted who will make a decision as to whether we can continue to mind whilst taking them. No staff member will drink any alcohol during minded hours or immediately before.
If you have been drinking, perhaps a work leaving do, Christmas party or whilst entertaining clients, we would prefer if you arranged for another responsible adult to collect your child, especially if you plan to drive home. Alternatively you may call us and we can delay the pick up time if possible. If an adult was to turn up under the influence with the intention of driving or staff had concerns over child care capabilities, we would be required to inform the police.
Drugs and alcohol are now more readily available to younger children. If we have any concerns that your child may be drinking alcohol, taking drugs or smoking then we will need to discuss the matter with you immediately.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact us.