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Medication Policy

We will happily give your child non-prescribed medication if you have given us signed parental permission and if appropriate, e.g. cough mixture, Calpol or Nurofen, teething gel etc.

We will regularly review the permission form to ensure that there are no changes needed to be made.

It is important that you as parents administer the first dose of any medication to your child, for example antibiotics. We ask that you stay at home with your child for the first 24 hours if it is your child’s first time at taking the particular medication, in the unfortunate event of your child experiencing an allergic reaction to the medication.


Before administrating any medication we will always phone you, even if signed permission has already been received. This is to protect your child, you and us. It is vital that you inform us of any medication your child may have taken before arriving within our care. We require the key information, e.g. what medication was taken, the dose and the time.

All medication given to us will be stored correctly following the instructions on the box; the medication will be checked regularly to ensure it has not expired.

If your child requires any hand held medication e.g. an epi pen or an inhaler please ensure you supply us with one so that it is readily available within our care. Please ensure you discuss any allergies with us.

If your child requires any prescribed medication then you will need to complete an additional permission form. Please inform us if your child is on any form of antibiotics as we may your child to not attend for 2-3 days incase of any unexpected reactions or spread of infections.

All medicine must be in its original bottle/container. Manufacturers guidelines must be clear and must include all details from the Doctor/pharmacy.

All medication administered will be recorded within our book; a parental signature will be requested at the end of each day.

If you have any concerns regarding medication please do not hesitate to discuss them with us.