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Head Lice Policy

Head Lice can affect people from any socio-economic background and ethnicity and do not imply a lack of hygiene or cleanliness of the infested person.

In order to try and prevent other children becoming infected we have put together the following procedure. We hope that as Parents you too will work with us to prevent and treat the spread of head lice.

No child will be excluded from our care because they have head lice and we ask that all children and parents are sensitive and understanding towards the child. It is not their fault they have head lice. We request that all children with long hair wear their hair up to prevent the spread of Head Lice.

We request that parents check their children’s hair once a week with a special head lice comb to aid early detection. We request that parents inform us immediately if they have discovered that their child has head lice. We will provide information on the effective treatment and detection of Head Lice.

We will then inform all parents using our service but we will not say who, in order to respect confidentiality. We will assist in the prevention of Head Lice by ensuring the children only use their own hairbrushes and combs and that the play dressing up hats are regularly cleaned.