If you would like us to drop off and collect your child from pre-school then unfortunately we have to charge you your usual contracted rate. We do not deduct the time your child is at pre-school from your monthly invoice.
Why do we still charge when your child is at preschool?
We are not able to fill your child's space in the short amount of time we have left
from dropping your child off and leaving to collect them again. We charge to keep
your child's space open during the 13 weeks that preschool is closed.
If you would like us to drop your child off at preschool at 9:00 but do not require us to collect them later that day then we will not charge whilst your child is at preschool as this means we will be able to fill the space from 9:00. However this would mean that your child would not have their space should the preschool be closed for any reason e.g. during the pre-school holidays, inset days etc...